
ジュネーブ出張 / Genega business trip No3


Both Switzerland and France have many motorcycles. There are many motor scooters of 125cc.
A lot of parking lots of a motorcycle have it unlike japan and think it to be convenient.
There are meny people who  do not put up its umbrella even if it rains as for Swiss person.

Land Roverのスタッフ。ジャケットの肘あて、仕草、等、やっぱりイギリス紳士だね。

The staff of Land Rover. 
The elbows of the jacket after all British gentleman is cool..

さすが、高級車Rolls Royce。さわやかなブルーがヨットハーバーに似合いそう。

As is expected, it is Rolls-Royce of the luxury model. 
I think that refreshing blue seems to match yacht harbor.


When I took a walk through center Station neighborhood of Geneva, there were a lot of shops of KEBABU, and I was substantial, and I became full when I ate because I was hungry.(8SFr)

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